Today I spent over 6 hours watching videos!
Some of you might believe I’m one lucky person but guess what, those weren’t Hollywood movies or Youtube videos. They are recordings of users actually shopping around a website.
Whenever I do any conversion research for a client’s website, I provide them with 10 videos (approx. 20 minutes each) of actual people who are getting paid to browse the site and perform specific tasks I’ve setup for them.
Users tasks include:
- Describe your first impression
- Try searching for a product
- Find out how much is shipping
- Buy something
and so on.
When I gather 10 tests, I start watching each one while taking notes of all that is being said and whatever I see worthy of noting when observing how they’re using the site.
Why is it important to watch customers?
The ultimate goal is to eliminate bottlenecks (friction).
Some benefits include:
- Figure out what’s stopping people from doing what you want them to do on your site
- Improve how they use the website by updating some design or processes
- Remove any distractions
User testings are very important and must be carefully planned out using the right tools &asking the right questions to testers.
Gather all the results, analyze and start tweaking changes & most never forget to test!