If you plan on investing time into building your personal brand whether you’re trying to get noticed, land a new job or boost your current salary, you will need to be very organized.
Consistency is key when it comes to personal branding. Depending on how your strategy is designed, you will certainly have to take on numerous daily tasks to help you boost your brand such as writing blog posts, reaching out to individuals within your network, engaging on social networks, requesting speaking opportunities and much more.
The biggest challenge is how do you organize yourself in making sure everything gets done on time as you had planned for it?
When I started working my own personal brand around 4 years ago, after discovering my true passion, I had a massive to-do list. I wrote things down on a piece of paper, emailed myself some notes, used post-its all over my desk and utilized many online tools. But the one thing that truly helped me was using a digital tool to help me better organize myself.
Here’s a list of 5 online tools for improved to-do list management you should really consider using:
1. Built-in Reminders in Smartphones
Whether you have an iPhone or an Android device, each one comes with its own reminders or to-do list app. It’s easy to use and simple to manage and best of all, it’s

2. Todoist.com
Manage your to-do lists with Todoist.com
This is one of my favorite tools. It’s simple yet has everything you need in terms of features such as even sharing your lists with others. It’s free and comes with an affordable premium account.

3. Evernote.com
Manage your to-do lists with Evernote.com
I use Evernote for not only tasks but also to centralize all my notes and bookmarks. It offers you a great feature of adding checklists and it’s free. It also has a premium version which I have bought as well.

4. Basecamp.com
Manage your to-do lists with Basecamp.com
I use this tool for project tasks or whenever I’m working with a new client. It’s perfect for more serious work as it connects to many other online tools for improved project management. There’s a free version as well as paid ones. I pay around $20/month.

5. Wunderlist.com
Manage your to-do lists with Wunderlist.com
I’ve never used this tool but noticed a passionTribe member using it. I checked it out and it really seems interesting. Give it a try.

There’s no perfect tool out there to manage your personal branding efforts but one thing for sure, you can use a combination of solutions to help you get the job done.
Test them out since most of them offer a free version and see which one is better for you. Download all their smartphone and tablet apps as well since I can assure you will want to be mobile flexible.
Have fun!