Stop telling yourself……”I will do it”.
Do it today!
A young man once asked a wise old woman, “When is the best time to plant an oak tree?” She answered: “Twenty years ago.” He then asked, “When is the second best time?” She answered, ”Today.”
We all have ideas and projects we want to start.
We all have a passion for something that we wish we could do for living. The big question is, how badly do we want it?
Whether it’s learning a new skill, starting a part-time business, blogging for fun or becoming a freelancer, you need to have a daily plan of action & just do it!
Are You Happy?
How many of you are really happy with what you do for living? I can safely say that 50% of you are not and that’s ok.
What’s important is what are doing about it if you’re not?
If you’re simply whining and complaining……that’s pretty sad 🙁
So What Do You Do?
If you keep giving yourself excuses ( I don’t have time, I’m married, I have kids, I don’t have money, I don’t know how – all valid reasons), that’s totally fine but are you putting an effort in eliminating those excuses? I’m not saying to get a divorce or give your kids away, but to actually do something about it so that you finally start what you’ve been wanting to do for a very long time.
I bring this topic up because I’ve dealt with this for the past 4 years. I love what I do being Vice President of (my full time position). I’ve been doing that for 14 years almost. Nonetheless, I’ve always wanted to have my own business. Unfortunately, I’ve failed at every attempt for the last 12 years.
Not only did I fail at it, but I’ve also gotten divorced, lost money and time.
Do I regret it? Not at all!!!! Honestly, I’m beyond grateful for having failed because it lead to new opportunities.
I met a person that completed me, I made more money by focusing on what I’m good at instead of venturing into the unknown and as for lost time, well I kinda learned how not to waste it.
How I Plant a Tree Everyday
It all started with me writing my thoughts in a small book and then started blogging about anything that came to my mind. From there, I decided to share knowledge with those that I felt would benefit from (Ecommerce topic). I didn’t have a plan yet, but I had a goal which was to find a new opportunity within my true passions. I did something everyday that would be bring me closer even if it was sending a simple hello to someone within my industry (great way to expand your network).
The secret is to get started. Just start doing something everyday that will bring you closer to your ultimate goal.
Oh and the other secret is CONSISTENCY.
Too many people start something with energy and determination only to quit after 30-60 days ( just like a gym membership in January).
Have a fantastic day!