Highlight of The Month
What an incredible month! I’ve been tweaking my passionTribe strategy from all angles. I decided to add a community component to my blog and it’s called The Private Tribe. This has led me to launch my first online course-“10 Days of Blogging for Fun Challenge“. I recruited the first 10 people to take part in it and so far, very happy with the results. I will be opening the course to the public in the month of December and sharing my experience with you through a blog post.
Something I Learned This Month
There’s nothing more valuable than listening to your readers (customers). Sometimes we overcomplicate things without even realizing (I do that a lot). This month, a friend suggested that I launch a blogging course to help people get started. Honestly, I was planning on launching one, but figured it’s better to do it in 2015. I needed more time to plan and prepare the content. This time, I decided to reduce the amount planning and thinking and get something started immediately. Thanks to him, I launched the blogging for fun challenge successfully. Create products/services that your customers need and not that you think they need. Listen to them. That’s what I did and so grateful for it.
Traffic Details
The main reason why you see an big increase in pageviews is mainly due to my membership area. As well, I launched a private forum and that has helped me bring back many return users to my blog. I also started experimenting with some email marketing but only for my blogging course. I plan on launching a bi-weekly newsletter in December.
Total Visits 842 +18.59%
Total Visitors 513 -3.53%
Total pageviews 2,510 +132.84%
Pages per visit 2.98 +96.34%
Top posts
- The Best Way to Create A Blog – Getting Started
- 6 Popular Passions I’ve Noticed in People
- What is The Meaning of a True Friend
- How to Start Hiking as A Hobby for Beginners
Top 3 Traffic Sources
- Social +14.23%
- Direct -20.52%
- Organic +14.49%
Top 3 Social Network Sources
- Facebook +20.31%
- Linkedin +70.59%
- Twitter -53.85%
Tools I’ve Discovered & Love Using
Awesome Screenshot. I don’t know how I can go about browsing the internet without using this amazing screenshot tool. Whenever I discover a problem on my website or client’s website, I take a screenshot of it. I can then add comments to it and save it. Such an amazing tool!
Picmonkey.com A great tool to help you modify images and spice them up for your blog or social media efforts.
Feedly. My favorite curation tool. I use it to read all my favorite blogs. I don’t have to visit any of them. The tool grabs all the latest posts from all the blogs a I follow in one central location. Saves so much time!
Online Communities or Blogs I’ve Discovered & You Should Follow
I started following The Muse Blog – Career Advice. I love the way they write their easy to read blog posts and they always choose interesting topics. I share lots of their content on my own Facebook Page.
A Podcast I Discovered & You Should Listen To
I discovered Michael Hyatt a very long time ago and so happy to have done so. You should start listening to his amazing blog post called This is Your Life. Recently, he changed the layout where now, he offers a video version as well. I love listening to it because it helps me improve my personal brand and continuously learn about new leadership and productivity skills. He is indeed my virtual mentor.
Let me know if you want me to share any other data that you feel will be useful for you.
I truly hope this inspires you to start or keep blogging!
Great idea. I like that you are so transparent and sharing with others what is working for you. Excellent.
Thanks Debi. I learn from the experts out there!
I really want to show people that it’s ok to get 100 visitors to your blog in the beginning. There’s nothing wrong with that. Don’t be ashamed. But keep trying new things and evaluate the results.
What’s important is to focus on your goals and help readers by bringing them value in what they’re trying to accomplish! Thanks for visiting my blog 🙂