A while back, I had asked my friends on Facebook a simple question:
What is the meaning of a true friend?
I was very happy with the responses I received. It shows how the meaning of having friends is different for everyone. I decided to gather all their responses for this post.
Most of us have met our friends through:
- School (daycare, elementary, high school, college, university)
- Neighbourhood
- Community
- Work
- A friend or family
Nowadays, it seems that everyone has hundreds of them since social media made it so easy to connect with others. You would visit someone’s profile on Facebook and notice that they have 600 friends. You go to their Linkedin profile and they have 500+ connections. You go to their Twitter profile and they have 1000’s of followers (most are fake). You get the point.
If you really think about it, we usually have a handful of true friends, if not a only a couple.
Those are the types of genuine and authentic relationships that we need on a daily basis.
A True Friend is…
Someone who will do the same for you as you would for them, hard to come by. Most have different outlooks and you often find you are only putting yourself out for them and them only. – Nathan
Someone who keeps in touch without asking for favors. – Sam
No need to tell or ask anything, he will understand that what’s going on in your life by talking to you and looking at you. – Ujjaval
A friend in need is a friend indeed. – Lila
Someone you dont have to be fake around or try to ‘please’. Someone who will say It to your face and not behind your back. – Juman
A friend is when in need. – Nofel
Someone who keeps in touch at least once a month, and who is interested and involved in your life. – Catherine
True enough to tell me the Truth! – Oneil
Enough confidence with you that if they apply Selflessness to your relationship they can be assured to never be hurt. – Imad
The one that backs you up in your presence and absence. The one who makes you forget every problem you have and always stays like a shadow with you. – Neemo
Someone that got your back and won;t put a knife into. – John
Supportive, open & honest. – Jarrett
Someone who is there for you even if you’ve made a bad mistake, and still loves you regardless. Trust me, it’s when you’re at your lowest points in life that you find who your true friends are- and you’ll be shocked that they may not be who you expected. – Rob
All what I know a true friend when he sees you in trouble he won’t advise you to back off. He will join you and make sure that both of u are f*&*^^. – Hany
Someone who’s there for you in good times and especially in the bad. – Um Sadik
A Friend of true honesty and sincerity. – Hussein
After reading all those responses, I wondered who’s MY true friend.
I do have 2 best friends but my true one friend has to be me wife (the one in the picture).
Your Turn
What’s the meaning of a true friend for you?
It’s interesting to see how people define true friends! My husband says it’s someone who, when you tell them good news, their first thought (not their second or third) is genuine happiness for you. I haven’t really thought much about it, but will ponder it. Thanks!
I totally agree with your husband Kendra. It’s sad that some friends don’t like seeing you happy or successful in life. Glad you enjoyed the post & thank you for the support!