I’m sure you asked yourself, how can you possibly succeed in life while being anti-social? In my opinion, you simply can’t.
Recently, I listened to a podcast by Michael Hyatt, Top 10 Productivity Hacks, where he speaks about interesting ways of becoming more productive. One of those ways was to eliminate online distractions. For me, ignoring all those distractions is a big challenge considering that most of what I do requires me to be online and on social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest etc….
But at the same time, I noticed that I’m always checking up on my emails, reading the latest industry headlines on websites such as Mashable.com & Techcrunch and by the end of the day, I notice I’ve opened over 25 different tabs within my browser and got distracted multiple times with notifications.
So I followed Michael Hyatt’s recommendation of purchasing a program called Anti-social which allows me to block all social media, email or any specific site for a set time (ex: for 3 hours).
The best feature within this application is that it keeps you honest and it can’t be turned off! That’s exactly what I want. Now, whenever I need to get something done without worrying about interruptions, I launch Anti-Social.
It’s affordable and easy to setup. You should give it a try. I’m not in any way associated with them, just an honest recommendation
Visit http://anti-social.cc