After switching from Samsung S4 smart phone back to the iPhone, I’ve discovered a new world that has truly changed the way I consume knowledge. The world of Podcasts!
Before listening to podcasts, I was consuming knowledge through:
- Books (physical & digital)
- Online articles/blog posts
- School
- Conferences, Seminars, Workshops
But all those channels wouldn’t allow me to multi-task (I could be wrong about the school part because I would be on Facebook while the teacher was lecturing).
With podcasts, I’m able to consume them while..
- Driving (to work, drop/pickup my daughter from school)
- Working on the computer
- At the gym
- Walking
Being able to consume knowledge while I was driving and working out is simply priceless. Those 2 activities would require usually 2 hours of my daily routine. Before I would simply listen to the radio or whatever was playing at the gym and think about a million things. But now, I’m actually digesting new thoughts, ideas and perspectives from podcasters that have interesting life experiences to learn from.
You should really give it a try…it might actually allow you to discover your true passion.
Here’s a short list of some podcasts I’m currently subscribed to:
- This is Your Life by Michael Hyatt
- The Meditation Podcast
- Entrepreneur on Fire with John Lee Dumas
- The Overwhelmed Brain
- Six Pixels of Separation with Mitch Joel
- Social Media Marketing Podcast
I have converted to listening to podcasts a long time ago. Music is fun, but I find podcast more engaging. You could be doing whatever it is that you have to do and be listening to a podcast where you could educate yourself. I’m glad you’re on that path. i will give those suggestions a try.
Pocket Cast is a great app for managing all your podcasts (Android and iOS).
Wow, amazed to see my show listed here. Thank you so much! I am among giants in your list, for sure, so I’m very honored.
Thanks again.
Host at The Overwhelmed Brain
You are welcome Paul. Great Podcast you got there!